Definitive Stamps
Official Stamps
20 Markbrown lilac
30 Markdark olive
40 Markgreen
200 Markred
300 Markgreen
400 Markbrown
500 Markorange
vertical watermark
horizontal watermark
horizontal strip of 3 with inhousenumber from the printing works
5 000 Markon 5 Markbrown onyellow
20 000 Markon 30 Pfennigred orange
100 000 Markon 15 Pfennigcarmine brown
250 000 Markon 10 Pfennigred
800 000 Markon 30 Pfennigred orange
top margin of sheet flat press print
horizontal pair with inhousenumber from the printing works
75 000 Markon 50 Markviolet on rose
400 000 Markon 15 Pfennigcarmine brown
1 Mio. Markon 75 Pfennigblue
2 Mio. Markon 10 Pfennigrose
5 Mio. Markon 100 Markred on rose
horizontal strips of 3 with inhouse number from the printing works
100 MillionMark grey
200 MillionMark brown
2 BillionMark siena/dark green
5 BillionMark orange/brown
10 BillionMark lightgreen/green
20 BillionMark bluegreen/brown
50 BillionMark lightblue/blue
3 Pfennigbrown
5 Pfenniggreen
10 Pfennigred
20 Pfennigblue
50 Pfennigred orange
100 Pfennigviolet
off centre stamp