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Knowledge / Prints / Design Prints / Parallel Issues

Design Print Parallel Issues: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with different design prints
Design Print Parallel Issues: different postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design prints

Design Print Frame Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with or without frame around the same design print

Design Print Size Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with different design print sizes

with frame from sheet and without frame from souvenir sheet

design print size 17,7 x 21,5 mm
or 18,0 x 22,0 mm

design print size 19 x 26,5 mm
or 18,0 x 21,0 mm

Design Print Colour Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print in different colours

Design Print Colour Parallel Issue: different postage stamps issued at the same time with different design prints in the same colours

postage stamps with the same design
print in brown orange or orange

postage stamps with the same design
print in dark green, red or blue

postage stamps with different design
prints in the same colours

Partly Design Print Colour Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print in partly different colours

Design Print Text Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps with the same design print issued at the same time with different design print texts

postage stamps with the same design print in green / black or blue / black

postage stamps with the same design print with design print text in 6 different languages

Design Print Design Parallel Issue: different postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print design

Parly Design Print Design Parallel Issue: different postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print design

postage stamps with the same design print as phase prints and as complete design print

postage stamp with partly different design prints

Design Print Typ Parallel Issue: different postage stamps issued at the same time with different design print typs

postage stamp with the same design print with different cloud typs

Design Print Kind Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print with different kinds

Design Print Printing Method Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print with different printing methods

postage stamps with monochrome design print printed from one or two printing plates

postage stamps printed in
2-D or 3-D design print

postage stamps with design print in lithography or in typography

Value Print Position Parallel Issue: the same multicolour postage stamps issued at the same time with the same value print in different positions

Design Print Alignment Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print in different alignments

Partly Design Print Alignment Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print in partly different alignments

postage stamps with well centred
or with shifted value print

postage stamps with upright or inverted design print (se-tenant)

postage stamps with multicolour design print with upright or inverted yellow printing colour

Value Print Alignment Parallel Issue: the same multicolour postage stamps issued at the same time with the same value print in different alignments

Design Print Quantiity Parallel Issue: the same postage stamps issued at the same time with the same design print in different quantities

postage stamps with upright
or inverted value print

postage stamps with once or
twice design print

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