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Knowledge / Cancellation Kinds / Printed Cancellations / Kinds

Printed Cancellation Kind: summary of the different intended styls of a printed cancellation

Printed Cancellation In Typography: printed cancellation that was carried out in typography

Printed Cancellation In Offset Printing: printed cancellation that was carried out in offset printing

Printed Cancellation In Photogravure: printed cancellation that was carried out in photogravure

Printed Cancellation In The Middle: postage stamp cancelled with centered printed cancellation as intended style

Printed Cancellation In The Corner: postage stamp cancelled with a quarter printed cancellation as intended style

Monochrome Printed Cancellation: postage stamp with printed cancellation in one colour as intended style

Multicolour Printed Cancellation: postage stamp with printed cancellation in multiple colours as intended style

Monolingual Printed Cancellation: postage stamp with printed cancellation in one language as intended style

Multilingual Printed Cancellation: postage stamp with printed cancellation in multiple languages as intended style

Newspaper Print Cancellation: postage stamp that was cancelled with a printed newspaper text as intended style

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