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Knowledge / Postmarks / Postmark Shapes

Postmark Shape: outline drawing of a postmark

Postmark Without Border: abstact of all postmarks which are not surrounded by a border

Text Postmark: postmarks without border to be made up of text in straigth lines

Single Straight Line Postmark: postmark without border with one straigth text line

Twice Straight Line Postmark: postmark without border with two straigth text lines

Triple Straight Line Postmark: postmark without border with three straigth text lines

Text Arch Postmark With Straight Line: postmark without border with one arched and one or more straight text lines

Text Circle Postmark: postmark without border with two arched text lines in round shape

Text Ellipse Postmark: postmark without border with two arched text lines in elliptical shape

Line Postmark: postmarks without border to be made up of lines

Line Postmark: postmark without border with multiple straight lines

Wavy Line Postmark: postmark without border with multiple wavy lines

Radial Postmark: postmark without border with multiple straight lines starting from one center

Grid Postmark: postmarks without border to be made up of bars

Grid Circle Postmark: round postmark without border to be made up of bars

Grid Ellipses Postmark: elliptical post-mark without border to be made up of bars

Grid Square Postmark With Circles: quadratic postmark without border to be made up of circles and bars

Grid Rhomb Postmark: rhombic postmark without border to be made up of bars

Dot Postmark: postmarks without border to be made up of dots

Dot Circle Postmark: round postmark without border to be made up of dots

Dot Ellipses Postmark: elliptical postmark without border to be made up of dots

Dot Rhomb Postmark: rhombic postmark without border to be made up of dots

Dot Star Postmark: star-shaped postmark without border to be made up of dots

Postmark With Interrupted Border: abstact of all postmarks which are partly surrounded by a border

Circle Form Postmark: round postmark with a interrupted border

Ellipse Form Postmark: elliptical postmark with a interrupted border

Rectangle Form Postmark: postmark with a interrupted border in right-angled quad-rangular shape with oppositely equal length sides

Hexagon Form Postmark: hexagonal postmark with a interrupted border

Rectangle-semicircle Form Postmark: postmark with a interrupted border in rectangular shape with scheduled semicircle

Postmark with Border: abstact of all postmarks which are surrounded by a border

Circle Postmark: abstact of all postmarks which are surrounded by a round border

Single Circle Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape

Two Circles Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape with one additional circle as graphic element (text can be placed between the two circles)

Twice Circles Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape with one additional circle as graphic element (no text can be placed between the two circles)

Three Circles Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape with two additional circles as graphic element (text can be placed between the two circles)

Triple Circles Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape with two additional circles as graphic element (no text can be placed between the two circles)

Quadruple Circles Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape with three additional circles as graphic element (no text can be placed between the two circles)

Quintuple Circles Postmark: postmark with a border in round shape with four additional circles as graphic element (no text can be placed between the two circles)

Single Segment Postmark: postmark with a border in round or elliptical shape one part cut away

Single Part Segment Postmark: post-mark with a border in round or elliptical shape two parts cut away

Single Part Sector Postmark: postmark with a border in sector shape with cut away top (fan postmark)

Single Part Circular Ring Postmark: postmark with a border in part circle ring shape

Ellipses Postmarks: abstact of all postmarks which are surrounded by a ellipsoidal border

Single Ellipses Postmark: postmark with a border in elliptical shape

Two Ellipses Postmark: postmark with a border in elliptical shape with one additional ellipses as graphic element (text can be placed between the two ellipses)

Twice Ellipses Postmark: postmark with a border in elliptical shape with one additi-onal ellipses as graphic element (no text can be placed between the two ellipses)

Single Superellipse Postmark: postmark with a border in mixture of a rectangle and an ellipse

Single Triangle Postmark: postmark with a border in triangular shape

Quadrangle Postmark: abstact of all postmarks which are surrounded by a quadrangular border

Single Rectangle Postmark: postmark with a border in right-angled quadrangular shape with oppositely equal length sides

Twice Rectangle Postmark: postmark with a border in right-angled quadrangular shape with oppositely equal length and one additional rectangle as graphic element (no text can be placed between the two rectangles)

Single Quadratic Postmark: postmark with a border in right-angled quadrangular shape with four equal length sides

Single Rhomb Postmark: postmark with a border in oblique quadrangular shape with four equal length sides

Single Pentagon Postmark: postmark with a border in pentagonal shape

Single Hexagon Postmark: postmark with a border in hexagonal shape

Single Octagon Postmark: postmark with a border in octagonal shape

Single Rectangle-semicircle Postmark: postmark with a border in rectangular shape with scheduled semicircle

Twice Rectangle-semicircle Postmark: postmark with a border in rectangular shape with scheduled semicircle (no text can be placed between the two rectangle-semi-circles)

Single Circle Postmark With Part Circular Ring: postmark with a border in circle shape with scheduled part circle ring

Free-Form Shape Postmark: abstract of all postmarks which can be described only with analogies (silhouette postmark)

Balloon Postmark: free-form postmark with a hot air balloon silhouette

Heart Postmark: free-form postmark with a heart silhouette

Map Postmark: free-form postmark with a map silhouette

Post Horn Postmark: free-form postmark with a post horn silhouette

Ship Postmark: free-form postmark with a ship silhouette

Paw Cross Postmark: free-form postmark with a paw cross silhouette

Postmark Border Kinds: abstact of the different kinds of postmark borders

Line Border: postmark border to be made up of a line

Stroke Border: postmark border to be made up of a stroke line

Dot Border: postmark border to be made up of dots

Arch Border: postmark border to be made up of arches

Wavy Line Border: postmark border to be made up of a wavy line

Zig-zag Border: postmark border to be made up of spikes

Gear Border: postmark border to be made up of a gearlike line

Perforation Border: postmark border to be made up of a perforation-like line

Graphic Elements: postmark structure by design or decorative elements

Line: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a straight line not touching the border or touching the border on one side

Arch: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a curved line

Circle: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a round line

Segment: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a round or elliptical shape one part cut away

Chord Segment: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a round or elliptical shape one part cut away with chord

Part Segment: graphic element in a post-mark to be made up of a round or elliptical shape two parts cut away

Grid: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of parallel lines to fill in an area

Grate: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of intersect parallel lines to fill in an area

Dot: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of dots to fill in an area

Shackle: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of three straight lines mostly part of a rectangle

Rectangle: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of four straight lines showing a rectangle

Chord: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a straight line touching the border on both sides

Short Bridge: graphic element in a post-mark to be made up of two parallel lines not touching the border or touching the border on one side

Twice Short Bridge: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of two double parallel lines not touching the border or touching the border on one side

Bridge: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of two parallel lines touching the border on both sides

Twice Bridge: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of two double parallel lines touching the border on both sides

Double Bridge: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of three parallel lines touching the border on both sides

Arch Bridge: graphic element in a postmark to be made up of a bridge with arches

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