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Knowledge / Cancellation Kinds / Inkjet Cancellations / Accidentals

Inkjet Cancellation Accidental: philatelic term for a inkjet cancellation deviation caused by an accidental

Inkjet Cancellation Colour Accidental: philatelic term for a deviation from the intended ink-jet cancellation colour caused by accidental

Inkjet Cancellation Text Accidental: philatelic term for a deviation in the inkjet cancel-lation text caused by accidental

Vertical Inkjet Cancellation: postage stamp with vertical in-stead horizontal inkjet cancel-lation caused by accidental

Inverted Inkjet Cancellation: postage stamp with 180 degrees rotated horizontal inkjet cancel-lation caused by accidental

Double Inkjet Cancellation: postage stamp with twice in-stead once inkjet cancellation caused by accidental

Oblique Inkjet Cancellation: postage stamp with out of align-ment shifted inkjet cancellation caused by accidental

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